We are almost into August ... quickly approaching the girls original due date of August 11th! What is even crazier is that on Friday, the girls will be 38 weeks gestation which is when I would have been induced had I not already gone into labor. But lucky us, we have had close to 100 days with the girls already :)
It has been WAY too long since our last update! Things are a bit nutty right now - we put our condo back on the market, we had a baby shower, we have been house hunting, working, spending our free time at the hospital, etc, etc, so to say our free time is limited is being generous. BUT that doesn't mean we don't have updates! Lots has been happening ...
The girls continue to do well with their feedings. The way they act before its time to eat mimics their personalities to a tee. Celia is very vocal about when she wants her bottle. She'll start squirming around and rooting (arching her back and turning towards you). This is a sign that she's ready to eat. She will attack her bottle and guzzle it down. When she has enough energy, she'll take a whole bottle no problem and when she doesn't, she'll start chugging, get all confused and then usually desat, brady or burp up all her milk. She's a maniac (a really cute one). Isa on the other hand is a little more relaxed. She has to be coaxed a little more to take her whole bottle and will often pretend to "fall asleep". As soon as we stop the bottle feeding and resort to putting the rest of the milk through the feeding tube, she'll pop her little eyes open and be as alert as can be (Sam used to play this trick when he was little and didn't want to finish all his food). As each day passes, both girls are getting better with their bottle feedings. They are learning to pace themselves, breath, keep their heart rate up, and look cute/confused as they are taking their feedings. The goal is to get a full day of feedings taken through the bottle (47 mls for Isa, 45 mls for Celia) - all 8 of them. Celia has taken 6 full bottles in 1 day, and Isa has taken 2.
We had been at a standstill with their oxygen and so the doctors decided to try the girls on a chronic dose of diuretics. Needless to say, it is doing wonders. Not only did they lose close to 3 ounces each in water weight, they are now on the 21%, 1 liter on the cannula - the lowest support you can be on before coming off of oxygen all together. The thought was, if there is visible puffiness/water retention in their face & groin, there is most likely extra fluid around their lungs making it more difficult to breath. And right they were! Speaking of weight - Celia is 5 lb, 2 ozs and Isa is 5 lbs, 5 ozs.
Isa continues to be clear for her eyes, showing no sign of ROP and done with the eye checks in the hospital. Celia's last check on Tuesday showed no change from last week, which is stage 3 in one eye, and stage 2 in the other. The doctors are still not concerned and hopeful that it will go away on its own without treatment. Like always, we have to just wait and see what happens. If she does need treatment, it would be a laser treatment that has a 90% correction rate of central vision. However, her peripheral vision would be compromised. How much we aren't sure - but we are not going to worry about it until we have to.
So that's what is happening in our world. We are getting so close to them coming home. We need to be off the cannula for good, get all 8 feedings through the bottle, and have no major bradys or desats for 5 days - and THEN HOME!!
Now to the fun stuff - lots and lots of pictures and videos of the little ladies :)
Do I like the bath? ... Isa 7/17/11 |
... Ah! I sure do! Isa 7/17/11 |
Snug as a bug. Isa 7/18/11 |
Celia 7/22/11 |
Whose holding me?! Celia 7/22/11 |
Oh Hey Meghan! It's me, Celia! 7/22/11 |
Double Time! 7/22/11 |
Isa 7/22/11 |
Show us "scared". Isa 7/22/11 |
Show us "concerned". Isa 7/22/11 |
Aunt Beth visits! Celia 7/23/11 |
Sam and Isa. 7/23/11 |
Isa 7/23/11 |
Heeey Sister! C top, I bottom. 7/23/11 |
7/23/11 |
Movc it Celia! I left, C right. 7/23/11 |
Isa & Celia 7/23/11 |
I'm starving! Anything will do ... 7/23/11 |
C & I 7/23/11 |
Celia 7/23/11 |
I love my WubbaNub! Celia 7/24/11 |
Bath Time! Isa 7/25/11 |
Isa 7/25/11 |
Isa 7/25/11 |
Isa 7/25/11 |
Isa 7/25/11 |
Isa 7/25/11 |
Isa 7/25/11 |
Isa 7/25/11 |
Grandma visits! 7/25/11 |
Sam & sleeping beauty Isa. 7/25/11 |
Celia getting ready for the bath. 7/25/11 |
Celia 7/25/11 |
Celia 7/25/11 |
Celia 7/25/11 |
Celia 7/25/11 |
"Why guys?!" Celia 7/25/11 |
Like father, like daughter. Celia 7/25/11 |
No cannula (for a few minutes) ;) Celia 7/25/11 |