Monday, June 27, 2011

Celia & Isa reunite!!

Today was such an exciting day for everyone!  It was the first time that Celia & Isa reunited and our first double kangaroo!  It was so cool to hold both girls at once, and it just so happened that 90% of our primary nurses were working so we were lucky to have everyone there for the big event.  We weren't sure if they would remember each other ... but they seemed pretty comfortable sitting next to each other.  There was a little bit of hesitation at first from Isa, but after a while, both were sitting there looking at each other!

As of tonight, Isa is 3 lb, 11 oz (1660 grams) and 15 1/2 inches long.  Celia is 3 lb, 7 oz (1560 grams) and 15 1/4 inches long. 

Tomorrow they have another eye check to measure the stage of their ROP.  Our fingers and toes are crossed that it hasn't advanced past Stage 1 and that it is on it's way to correcting itself.  They also have their 2 month immunization shots (3 total) on Wednesday & Thursday. 

Celia & Isa

Celia  & Isa - first time holding both together! 6/27/11

Isa & Celia

Celia & Isa - first time holding both girls! 6/27/11

First family photo!!  6/27/11

C & I



I & C


C & I

C & I

Sam and all of his ladies

C & I

Family Photo!

This pose may have been staged ... but it's still cute.

I & C


  1. Great pictures!!!! Such a special moment!!! You and Sam look so happy!!!

  2. what an adorable family of four! i love reading about the girls' progress through your blog -- i check it regularly, and just love the pictures and videos. celia and isa are so precious! i can't wait for them to visit jersey one day so i can meet them! congratulations! =)

    kristen nieto

  3. Hey Guys!

    The girls are so beautiful. Just wanted to say congratulations! The videos of the reunion are really amazing, so glad to see how much wonderful support you guys have and I can't wait to see more pics!

    Lots of Love,
    Kristen Musacchio
