As always ... face planting - Celia 6/17/11 |
... and thinking its hilarious - Celia 6/17/11 |
Sharing a laugh with her sister - Isa 6/17/11 |
Lazy Saturday - Celia 6/18/11 |
Lazy Saturday continued ... - Isa 6/18/11 |
Celia 6/19/11 |
Celia & Dad 6/19/11 |
Isa & Dad 6/21/11 |
Isa pondering life 6/21/11 |
Isa 6/21/11 |
Celia 6/21/11 |
Celia 6/22/11 |
Who knew 3 pounders could have tripple chins? Isa 6/21/11 |
This picture makes me laugh - Celia 6/21/11 |
Isa 15 inches long! 6/21/11 |
Celia 6/21/11 |
Rachel and Sam, The girls are getting so big!!!! Even at three pounds plus!!!! Glad to see them grow!!! They both have a lot of people pulling for them and it is working!!! Give them many hugs and kisses!!!